(Posted on July 14, 2016)
Hey +1000gohead , I think you may be spot on with your assertion that the real middle passage was between the Americas. This link speaks on the "Africans" taken from the Carribean up to mainland North America:http://www.inmotionaame.org/print.cfm?migration=10It claims that the majority of the "Black/Negro" Slaves that were brought up to Mainland North America early on were Native to the Caribbean. It claims that at one point from 1715 to 1730, the Caribbeans outnumbered the "Africans" three to one! It also mentions that the majority of the imports to New York from 1715 to 1741 were Natives to Jamaica!Also, check out this picture of an old globe. Almost all of the sailing routes except for one or two involve sailing from Europe to the Americas and back, from Europe down to the Pepper Coast (West Africa), around to Australia and back, and the most by far involve sailing between the Americas. If "untold millions" were being brought from the Pepper Coast to the Americas, why don't they have any well-established sailing routes that involve coming directly across the Atlantic from there to here?????And the narrative changes up constantly. On one end, they claim that all of the Natives of America "died off" or were "too stubborn to be enslaved" and "Africans" replaced them, but when one discovers that (at least in North America) only three ingredients in all of southern cooking come from West "Africa" (okra, watermelon, black-eyed peas), then the narrative changes to "Africans and Native Americans were trading recipes frequently". What??? I thought that they were all "killed off"? How did they go from being "dead" and "too proud to be enslaved" to teaching "Africans" how to do everything? Did they reanimate like Michael Jackson Thriller extras? (And remember, the Plains and Arctic "Indians" had hunter-gatherer lifestyles, so they wouldn't have known how to teach the "Africans" how to plant food.)This is why they can't get the numbers correct for the life of them, because most of it never happened. Me personally, I think that they only transported maybe 500,000 total for all of the Americas (and even that's stretching it). The only people that can claim to have any "African" ancestry are the ones who actually have proven it through genealogical research and have come from communities who have actually retained their real West "African" customs. Everyone else who regurgitates whatever they've been taught or learns "African heritage" through Afrocentric education or Afrocentric movements (Rastafari, RBG, Black Power, "African DNA", etc.) here or anyone else in the Americas is simply chasing smoke and mirrors.
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(Posted on July 6, 2016)
The nature of this post is to further deconstruct the myth of the “African-American” and how this legal branding is used to promote escheat and abandonment, as well as untold levels of confusion to the people living here in the Americas, especially the people who are misnomered as such. “America” in Pythagorean gematria adds up to 32, which shares the same gematria with the word “Life” (simple gematria). “Roots” and “Blackstar” both have a Pythagorean gematria of 33 (Roots was the infamous fictional story allegedly made by Alex Haley and Blackstar was the cruise line created by Marcus Garvey that actually lost a huge profit on its Maiden voyage; he himself never visited “Africa”, even when he had the money). The number for the “Master Teacher” in numerology is 33. “Africa” adds up to 38 in simple gematria, which shares a simple gematria with the word “Death”. Also note that almost all of the continent of “Africa” falls in between 33 degrees North and 33 degrees South latitude.“Negro” derives from the Greek word “Necro”, which means “dead”. “Colored” means ‘skin color and complexion’, but also comes from the Latin word colos, which means “to conceal”. “Black” is a contranym that means both “ink” and “dirty”, but can also mean “pale, wan, livid, or sallow”, meaning “to turn white” (think of words such as Blank, Bleach, and Blanco). Also note that not only does the word “Africa” etymologically come from the Roman general Scipio Africanus and the maritime port Ifriquya, but also in the legal realm, an “African” means someone that is chattel property. AFFRI. In old English law, plow cattle, bullocks or plow horses. Affri, or afri carucce; beasts of the plow. Spelman.CAN. As a verb, to be enabled by law; to have a right to, Bailey Realty & Loan Co. v. Bunting, 31 Ala.App. 450, 19 So.2d 607, 608. To put in a can or cans, to preserve by putting in sealed cans, to tin, Henry v. Markesan State Bank, C.C.A.Minn., 68 F.2d 554, 557; is often interpreted as the equivalent of "may." The Pantorium v. Mc-Laughlin, 116 Neb. 61, 215 N.W. 798, 799. See Cannot.- Black’s Law 4th Edition *The “Red Man” myth emerged as a response to Europeans describing American tribes/peoples that wore red body paint (especially as war paint), a common custom for autochthonous peoples all over the world.* What we see now as today’s “Native Americans” are actually a combination of European impostors (Ex: the infamous “Indian”/Italian, Iron Eyes Coyte), mixed/light-skinned people, and ‘Mongoloid’ that lived primarily on the Great Plains, Great Basin, and Arctic regions of North America, as well as being scattered throughout Central, the Caribbean, and South America. Most of the ‘Mongoloid’ Indians in North America lived primarily a hunter-gatherer lifestyle (this is why it is said that they were “too proud” to enslaved; they didn’t possess enough agricultural knowledge to be of use on the plantations), which is why the United States used their “White” citizens, as well as enlisting the help of the Buffalo Soldiers, to kill off the majority of the wild buffalo population, so as to starve them out and make them dependent on the U.S.A. and its reservations it had set aside for them. The ‘Indians’ that possessed the vast knowledge of agriculture/goods that helped to fuel the colonial economy, as well as helping to save the Europeans from starvation early on, lived primarily in the Great Lakes and Deep South, as well as the Atlantic Coast and Pacific Coast, and Mesoamerica, the majority of whom were, not surprisingly, dark skinned people.The official story of “tens of millions of”/100 million Indians being completely wiped out and “tens/hundreds of millions” of ‘Africans’ being brought over the Atlantic as slaves is largely a severely over-exaggerated hoax. Most of it never happened, for several reasons and points that should be raised: - What were the forests that were chopped down in mass that would provide the wood for the slave ships?- The mid-Atlantic is known to be notoriously stormy during hurricane season, which can last for 6 months. Did the slave ship captains stop operations during hurricane season? (Even to this day, the U.S. Navy, with its metal ships, as well as many merchant ships, try to avoid going directly across the Mid-Atlantic as much as possible.)- Smallpox dies within 24 hours of being exposed to heat and sunlight, especially when it’s outside of the body. Does North America (or the Americas in general) have a shortage of heat and sunlight?- How could smallpox effectively spread and kill millions of Native Americans when most of them lived miles apart from one another (even peoples of the same tribes) and had no modern forms of transportation?- The early guns/rifles that Europeans possessed, though fierce, were notoriously inaccurate. Even during the Revolutionary War, soldiers, especially British soldiers, would stand in lines to fire all at once, so as to ensure that they would hit their targets. These wouldn’t be very good weapons for close-quarter combat in say, the forest.- The Barbary Slave Trade was occurring around the same time of the alleged Transatlantic Slave Trade, where approximately 1 million Europeans were taken from pirated ships and coastal villages in Southern Europe to North Africa as slaves. It was such a prominent issue that even the early U.S.A., even with it establishing a peace treaty with these pirates (see Moroccan Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1783) still had to dedicate approximately 20% of its federal budget for its first few decades to bribing these pirates not to jack their ships, up until the end of the Barbary Wars. The Strait of Gibraltar between Spain and Morocco is approximately seven miles across. The distance from southern France to Northern Libya is approximately 842 miles. Being that that adds up to 14-1684 miles for a round trip (the “Triangular Trade” would rack up between 13,000 and over 15,000 nautical miles), how is it that European sailors, who at that time struggled to preserve food for themselves and were busy colonizing the Americas coming in from the Northeast (North Atlantic), were able to pull off a more efficient slave trade than the Moors/Barbary Pirates, who were expert sailors and had a much shorter distance to travel for their slave trade?- If smallpox allegedly wiped out almost all of the Natives of America, then wouldn’t it have also wiped out almost all of the African slaves in transit, due to the fact that they were in constant close proximity to the sickly Europeans and therefore would have been susceptible to contracting disease at any given moment?- Why would the Europeans pay a fortune for expensive “African” slaves, only to deliberately starve, abuse, injure, infect, rape, dehumanize, and kill the majority of them (as we’ve been told) before they even reached their destination? How could they expect to turn a profit if the majority of the slaves were dead, and the rest were diseased, abused, and malnourished, and barely hanging onto life? How could the females be effective at reproducing right after experiencing that? - If (allegedly) only about 305,000 “Africans” were taken to Central North America (and allegedly 500,000 total for all of North America) and the men outnumbered the women almost 5 to 1 (70% men, 14% women, 16% children approximately), how could that possibly account for all and/or most of the population of “African-Americans”/”Afro-Latinos” living in North America today? - How could “Africans” be taken to Western and Central South America through the Panama Isthmus in slavery when the Panama canal wasn’t even in operation until 1914? When one asks questions such as these, as well as cross-examining a lot of the evidence presented as proofs of the “African Slave Trade”, one will come to realize that most of this never actually happened, especially in all of North America. The reason why this is confusing to a lot of people is because the Orthodox narrative that is taught to “Black” Americans about their history (especially) not only belittles them, but also covers up the truths to the real slavery in operation today, which are the artifices of legalism and state citizenship. For example, the mythical story of “Africans dying in the millions in transport to the Americas” both parallels and covers up the fact that most European colonists themselves were slaves in the colonies (as well as the slave trade between the Americas), the fact the British parliament and King Charles II in 1666 declared all British citizens as being dead/lost at sea (in response to the Great Fire and Great Plaugue of London), and that the United States of America, as a British vassal, is not a “country”, but a federal municipal corporation operating in admiralty/maritime law. The story of “Black” American women being used as mistresses in slavery also needs to be put in its proper perspective, because what almost everyone loves conveniently leave out is the fact that not only did less than 10% of the ‘free’ population in the South actually own slaves, but not everyone that owned slaves was a “White” man (and not every “White” man that owned slaves was wealthy). They also love to leave out the fact that admittedly, almost none of the “African” slaves (the real ones, that is) were female! Let’s not forget to add that the fact that there were widespread anti-miscegenation/anti-interracial marriage laws in the South (that almost all Southern “Whites” strictly obeyed) and the fact that pretty much all of the wealthiest slave owners (such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson) with mistresses were actually Master Masons who directly descended from European royalty! Please note too that the “Back to Africa” movement dealt not with sending “Africans back to where they came from”, but with depopulating the Americas of its autochthonous “Negroes” by planning to send millions (only tens of thousands of people actually went) back to a land where they never came from under the guise of the “slave trade”.There are so many other things that could be brought up and said about this, but the overall point is this: when you convince the world that an entire mass of people who are Native to the land all came from somewhere else packed hundreds deep in filthy ships and are persona non grata and no higher than animals, not only can you claim the land under escheat and abandonment, but you make those people wholly dependent on you for everything and you can forever claim to be psychologically superior to them….so long as you can keep the lie up and the populace dependent on you. #SomeoneLiedAboutHistory#AfricanAmericansAreActuallyAutochthonousAmericans#AmericanByNature#NotKidding#ControlYourOwnMindOrSomeoneElseWill#ImmigrantsAreAmericansByStatusNotByNatureMore Links to Check Out:https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/cracking-the-cult-of-the-constitution-part-i/https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/cracking-the-cult-of-the-constitution-part-ii/http://www.strawmanstory.info/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XdKcZOUTpwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLCjj8no_fQ&google_comment_id=z12wyl34skmsxlbdg22ujnphflzhcjhrh04https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o50HstBDHUshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsToxYMuktwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sORqQnwKY6Mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5RlgXiip8https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ1QPgsrvmL3rALieOwf6MLl3ADGhPFjbhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNAtnQ833v8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOlkgHPaXbU





























































