Taking a look at some of the things that I feel are given way too much credit and/or attention.
1) Reality TV
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What your TV should say. |
I don't know about you, but I am sick of seeing shows that try to show the 'drama' and 'partying' behind the lives of celebrities and others whom we pay too much attention to. It's especially disheartening when you realize that national singing competitions really don't do anything except give the winner short-lived fame, like this guy. Also, there's no use in calling a show 'reality' if it really isn't. Am I right? Only good reality shows I can think of are these three. The majority of reality shows are just conjured-up nonsense with predictable and idiotic "twists" to the storyline. The fact that we are still willing to watch them is very disturbing.
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Some of the best commentary you'll ever see. |
2) Religion/Athiesm
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Oh so much confusion. |
This one is the toughest one for people to accept is ultimately, since it involves a person's spirituality. It was initially hard for me to accept too, since I used to be a Chrisitan. But let's be honest, the word religion, from the Latin root word religo, which means to bind, restrain, or tie back. This is the reason why, if you really get to the root of it, religion is one big scam. The Bible is actually just African spiritual texts decorated with lies, which is why it's so controversial. Religious figures themselves really didn't aim to be a source of worship, so why would we worship them? Would you worship Dr. Martin Luther King? How about Malcolm X? Warren Buffet?
The religious elites are banking on the fact that you are a very spiritually and historically ignorant individual, which is why they can get away with filling your head with lies. Look at David Koresh, for example. People followed him without thinking for themselves, and they ended up paying for it with their lives.
Don't let leave out atheists, who are just as foolish as the people they make fun of. The truth is, God exists, just not as a deity. So the next time you walk away from someone handing out religious pamphlets, don't accept anything from an atheist either. They're both wrong.
3) Celebrity Gossip News & Culture
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Wait....we're supposed to care about this stuff? |
Oh, celebrity gossip, how unnecessary you truly are. I feel no sympathy for people who get in trouble for bothering the heck out of famous people. "But they ask for it when they get famous!" you might say. And to that, I say this. No amount of fame should excuse what is basically legalized stalking. If you truly feel that way, then either switch places with them, or do something more productive with your time.
Look, I sometimes wonder about what my favorite rappers are doing. But, at the same time, I'm not going to stalk them about. I hope I can meet them in person, maybe even hang out sometime. But that doesn't excuse creepy, obsessive behavior, like what Eminem once addressed. If you continue to basically be a stalker, then you deserve everything that happens to you. If still insist on being obsessed anyway, then *cue song hook*. Just don't expect any sympathy from me.
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Who's up for a complete waste of time? |
4) Euro-centrism/Western Civilization
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This should throw up some red flags about what we're being taught in school. |
...99% of my life I was lied to...
Eminem, "My Name Is"...
As some people have pointed out, why exactly are we only concerned with what goes on in European and/or European-controlled nations? Why do we have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries in the first place?
I hear you'd like to change a few things if you could. As it is we are paying with our lives as our collective activities poison and destroy the planet that sustains us. As a culture we seem to have the words profit and exploitation confused. Profit should mean a real positve value is created from an activity not a transferrence of suffering as when someone or something is carelessly exploited. We have granted rights to corporate entities that actually operate against or own best interests as Human Beings and citizen's Democracy. I don't think waiting for the government or corporations to change is a good strategy, more like we are the government and we need to be working on a better way to live together. I' support a system of work-study or community service-study that continues or opened up peoples' opportunity to educate, experience and integrate a good path for themselves to sucede. This would be a continuation of public education I say we build less weapons to pay for. That's one idea.
Living in a culture, ie. western civilization, that has proved no understanding of how Human Beings can live in peace or even sustainably on this Earth for the past several thousand years, suggests good advice is hard to come by, especially from one of its institutions. Since cultures are "our stories of who we are, what we do and why we do it", everyone should learn who they are, what they are doing and why they are doing it. The less you know about yourself the more likely you'll be railroaded down a path for someone elses benefit.
We all have a great deal of power and rights as citizens to change the framework of our culture. The trouble is most people don't learn (and certainly those in control of the system don't teach) the understandings and principles that frame our system of government, or our rights, or where we lost our rights.
Start with The Declaration of Independence, "very inspiring", and The Constitution of the United States of America. I must admit I have not read the whole Constitution line by line, funny how that was never part of my formal public education. But I have read through it enough to be a trouble maker if someone's trying to pull the wool over my eyes. This is free at the library. That's good for becoming wise and knowledgible AND STAYING OUT OF DEBT.
Everyone needs to "Know thyself" and learn the real way we are going to have to live on our planet and with each other, to hand any kind of a livable future to our children.
-"The College Lie!", Hubpages.com
I talked about this somewhat in depth when I published my previous article. A lot of what we have been made to believe about human nature, the purpose of economics, the functions of the universe, and other cultures is based off of a fantasy and not what really goes on. This has been documented by not only people living outside of and/or opposed to this system, but also by people who are living or have lived inside this same exact system. This is why I will personally rely on information shared from someone such as Romany Malco's alter-ego named Tijuana Jackson, rather than a news organization that is well-spoken but is largely full of crap. If you don't believe that, just look at this Yahoo article.
I remember a scene I saw in the classic miniseries Roots in which Captain Thomas Davies exchanged conversation between him and one of the men who was a part of the slave trade. He said something that struck me. When asked if he wanted his pockets (or purse) full (maybe it was the other way around?), he said something like:
Do you think we're the ones really being put in chains by this [slavery]?Yeah, that sounds about right. I think that perfectly sums it up.
Further reading:
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