Sunday, February 24, 2019

Google+ Post Dump (Part 2)

(Posted on July 14, 2016)

Hey +1000gohead , I think you may be spot on with your assertion that the real middle passage was between the Americas. This link speaks on the "Africans" taken from the Carribean up to mainland North America:

It claims that the majority of the "Black/Negro" Slaves that were brought up to Mainland North America early on were Native to the Caribbean. It claims that at one point from 1715 to 1730, the Caribbeans outnumbered the "Africans" three to one! It also mentions that the majority of the imports to New York from 1715 to 1741 were Natives to Jamaica!

Also, check out this picture of an old globe. Almost all of the sailing routes except for one or two involve sailing from Europe to the Americas and back, from Europe down to the Pepper Coast (West Africa), around to Australia and back, and the most by far involve sailing between the Americas. If "untold millions" were being brought from the Pepper Coast to the Americas, why don't they have any well-established sailing routes that involve coming directly across the Atlantic from there to here?


And the narrative changes up constantly. On one end, they claim that all of the Natives of America "died off" or were "too stubborn to be enslaved"  and "Africans" replaced them, but when one discovers that (at least in North America) only three ingredients in all of southern cooking come from West "Africa" (okra, watermelon, black-eyed peas), then the narrative changes to "Africans and Native Americans were trading recipes frequently". What??? I thought that they were all "killed off"? How did they go from being "dead" and "too proud to be enslaved" to teaching "Africans" how to do everything? Did they reanimate like Michael Jackson Thriller extras? (And remember, the Plains and Arctic "Indians" had hunter-gatherer lifestyles, so they wouldn't have known how to teach the "Africans" how to plant food.)

This is why they can't get the numbers correct for the life of them, because most of it never happened. Me personally, I think that they only transported maybe 500,000 total for all of the Americas (and even that's stretching it). The only people that can claim to have any "African" ancestry are the ones who actually have proven it through genealogical research and have come from communities who have actually retained their real West "African" customs. Everyone else who regurgitates whatever they've been taught or learns "African heritage" through Afrocentric education or Afrocentric movements (Rastafari, RBG, Black Power,  "African DNA", etc.) here or anyone else in the Americas is simply chasing smoke and mirrors.

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