Sunday, March 3, 2019

Google+ Post Dump (Part III)

(Posted on July 14, 2016)

This document claims that approximately 4.5 million slaves were transported in the "African slave trade", with a little over 100,000 arriving in the modern-day USA in the late 1780s. That's a far cry from the "tens of millions" that we've been taught in school. What's to say it isn't lower?



(Posted on August 2, 2016)

Here is yet another example of how racial terms caused confusion when reading up on slavery. One is and example of how both Americans "Africans" were reclassified as Negroes. notice how the Amerindian slaves have their signature tobacco smoking and feathered headdresses, whereas the "Africans" were taken from a specific place and brought over a few dozen at a time. If there was a large load that was being brought over, they were kept alive, because they were very, very expensive. Only the wealthiest of the wealthy could afford such luxury imports.

This "slave trade" couldn't have been massive and be lucrative simply because high attrition rates and abused/malnourished "Africans" means massive losses of net profit. Remember, hurricane season lasts approximately six months, so it would be unwise to do it year round. Also, most of the cultivated crops were Native to the Americas/crops that were grown globally. There were plentiful amounts of cheap American/Amerindian and cheap European slave labor to provide for the plantations, so the "high demand" for "Africans" would have been completely unnecessary.

Also, be wary of the ones that claim to have imported "Africans" yet cannot specify where they were from (especially the ones featuring the "Negroes" in feathered headdresses and/or smoking tobacco).

(YouTube user Jaguar Tawantinsuyu goes over how his Chickasaw and Chata/Choctaw grandparents were labeled on the Census as Negroes.)


(Posted on August 11, 2016)


Man +Uptown Down , you are spot on with your predictions.

Check this out (From CDF's "Why they created the "African-American" and 1000gohead's "Undeniable: Pt. 1"):

Notice how it's a total 180 from these videos:


I'll say it again, the only people who should be concerned about reconnecting with their "African" homeland are the people who actually have it in their geneology/bloodline. Everyone else who follows this Afrocentric education are going to be in for a huge disappointment when you realize that these guys are just Anglophiles/Anglo-Saxxon ass-kissers. Ask yourself this: if "Africa" is the most resource-rich place on the planet, why did Europeans bother coming here at all? Why are all of these immigrants flooding the Americas (especially under the U.S.A. corporation)? Why would someone like Akon claim that America was never built for so-called 'Black' people:

Yet turn around and tour the world with American music (calling it "African") and not tour the world with traditional Pepper Coast musical styles?

Something to think about:

(By the way, I don't agree with everything Tito says, but he makes great points here. If you have issues with what he says, then go to him about that.)


(Posted on August 14, 2016)

Like what +Uptown Down  said, these people who tell us and the world that we were all "nothing but African slaves" have a lie to uphold and they are going to utilize whatever resources they have to keep it intact.

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